Welcome to Thabarwa

Welcome to Thabarwa Centre.
Thabarwa Centre is established with unlimited access for general benefit and is fulfilling the most crucial needs continually, persistently, dedicatedly, one by one ... the great needs of society, limitless wisdom and power sharing are being supplied one after another ...
Thabarwa Centre opens 24 hours a day, seven days a week without recess...
It is the sanctuary which is fulfilling the requirements of the multitude and the world (loka) round-the-clock without attachment and craving...
It is the sanctuary for more than 1,400 yogis (as at October 2012) including aged persons, the sick, the infirm, the blind, the deaf, the disabled, psychiatric and mental cases, the homeless and helpless.

If you wish to come to our centre to practice vipassana insight meditation or do volunteering or donate cash and materials, kindly contact Thabarwa Sayadaw U Ottamasara at mobile number 95-95085212.
Enjoy your stay and hope to see you again.

30 October 2012

Real Mindfulness - 02

Real Mindfulness
Sacca Dhamma Teaching of
Thabarwa Sayadaw U Ottamasara

Delivered on 31st July 2012

Part - Two
In order to develop and attain real or genuine mindfulness, effort, concentration, thinking, analyzing and understanding, one needs to abandon placing central emphasis on those created mindfulness, effort and concentration.
One has high tolerance or patience does not necessarily mean that one is, by nature, totally free from dosa(anger).  It is merely an attained one, created one and not original.  Let me explain. 
When one is confronting with the circumstances which triggers his anger or frustration, in order to cover up that particular ugly state of mind, one will automatically create and utilize one's patience or endurance or tolerance power to overcome that particular situation.  That is called created endurance, created tolerance and created patience. Not original.
One attains devotion for Buddha, dhamma and sangha (Triple Gems) only when one takes refuge in the Triple Gems.  Similarly, when one meets or runs into elders, one would create respects for the elders in that very moment. 
By nature, worldings are not free from pride and ego.  However, worldings have ability and capability to create variety of mind (mental conditions) depending on the time, place, circumstances and switch to those created mind instantly (utilize the created mind) to fit into the particular circumstances.  That is called kamma cause....a created mind....created mental condition.
Likewise, the mindfulness, effort and concentration that one knows are also created mindfulness, effort and concentration.  They are being created to fit into various circumstances and encounters.  They are not real or genuine mindfulness, effort and concentration born out of one's ability in abandoning said created mindfulness, effort and concentration.
Mindfulness, which one knows or possess is also created mindfulness.  The mindfulness which one utilizes depending on place, time, situation and circumstances is also called created mindfulness. 
Abandoning paying central emphasis on created mindfulness, effort, concentration and striving oneself free from those created mindfulness, effort and concentration is true dhamma.
Likewise, one needs to strive one's very best to attain  .....
  • real or genuine mindfulness and effort which can abandon placing emphasis on created mindfulness and effort,
  • real or genuine concentration which can abandon placing emphasis on created concentration,
  • real mindfulness, effort and concentration that can abandon kamma causes, and
  • knowledge and wisdom that can abandon kamma causes.

Naturally worldings are capable of doing or carrying out kamma causes such as thinking this and that, contemplating on this and that, concentrating on this and that but lacks the ability in abandoning placing emphasis on those kamma causes or created actions.
Only when one strives very persistently in abandoning placing central emphasis on created mindfulness, effort and concentration on things, time, places, circumstances, one would realize the true Dhamma which is the one and only Magga Path (Ariya Path).....abandoning mental action, abandoning endeavours of mind, abandoning habitual utilization of mind and abandoning norms of mind.
It is so easy to use mind on usual and habitual tasks such as placing mindfulness on something, using effort to do something, placing concentration on something, somebody, time and place.
But, attaining real or genuine mindfulness, effort and concentration is difficult.  One needs the help of Buddha, dhamma and sangha if one wishes to abandon placing emphasis on created mindfulness, effort and concentration.
One needs to put in one's best effort and place central emphasis on mindfulness and concentration if one determines to abandon :
  • the mindfulness which one had already attained,
  • the mindfulness which one is automatically endowed with,
  • the mindfulness which one is striving hard to attain as well as
  • the mindfulness, effort and concentration which one is automatically endowed with. 

Placing central emphasis on created mindfulness is far easier than abandoning those created mindfulness, effort and mental action which one has already endowed with.
Worldings already have created concentration for carrying out their tasks or endeavours.  However, attaining real or genuine concentration is so much more difficult so one needs to put in one's best mindfulness, effort and concentration and contemplates persistently on it.
The teaching is over now.
May all the merits we have done until now be dedicated to all sentient being.
May all beings rejoice in our merits.