Welcome to Thabarwa

Welcome to Thabarwa Centre.
Thabarwa Centre is established with unlimited access for general benefit and is fulfilling the most crucial needs continually, persistently, dedicatedly, one by one ... the great needs of society, limitless wisdom and power sharing are being supplied one after another ...
Thabarwa Centre opens 24 hours a day, seven days a week without recess...
It is the sanctuary which is fulfilling the requirements of the multitude and the world (loka) round-the-clock without attachment and craving...
It is the sanctuary for more than 1,400 yogis (as at October 2012) including aged persons, the sick, the infirm, the blind, the deaf, the disabled, psychiatric and mental cases, the homeless and helpless.

If you wish to come to our centre to practice vipassana insight meditation or do volunteering or donate cash and materials, kindly contact Thabarwa Sayadaw U Ottamasara at mobile number 95-95085212.
Enjoy your stay and hope to see you again.

04 October 2012

Middle Way for Real Freedom


Summary of the Teaching of Thabarwa Sayadaw U Ottamasara,
Delivered on 16th September 2012


We are used to center or pay attention to the created truth only. All living beings, non living beings, time and place are just created truth. All the causes and effects that we currently know are also just created truth. Our current intelligence and knowledge are also just created truth. Our body and current mind is also just created truth. Because of attachment to the created truths, all our actions cannot go beyond the created truth. Our mind is always connecting one created truth after another. All our mental actions are concerned only with created truth. 

Our goal is to use the created truths in the right way. As long as we are using the created truths wrongly, enlightenment will not appear. By using the created truths in the right way, enlightenment will appear. In order to use the created truths in the right way, it is necessary to know and contemplate the truth of created truths.  

Created truths are neither to be rejected nor attached, thinking them as reality or real importance but to use-only, to experience-only and to know-only. 

The Truth of the created truths is :
1)       To be use-only, to experience-only, to do-only, and to know-only
            (The Truth of Not Rejecting)
2)       Not to be attached, focused and centered as reality and real
           importance. (The Truth of Not Attaching)

The Truth of Created Truths
(1)  The Truth of
(2)  The Truth of
To Abandon the Centering,
To Abandon the Grasping,
To Abandon the Thinking
On the created truths as reality or real importance.

 Not rejecting means using-only, experiencing-only, doing-only and knowing-only.
 Not attaching means to abandon the mental centering on the created truths. 

“Use-only, experience-only” means using-only, experiencing-only without attachment or without any idea of something or someone. Use-only means using without mental centering on the created truth. In fact, we are using the created truth all the time but there is mental grasping and centering in all our actions. 

Constant mindfulness of “to use-only, to experience-only” intends to stop the habit of mental centering. Remind the truth of “to use-only” intends to make the mental centering and grasping habit weaker and weaker. Try to remember the truth of the created truths. All actions including practicing meditation are to be used-only and experienced-only but Not to be attached as original reality. Our actions must be free from the wrong idea of something or someone. All the effects, good or bad must be experienced-only but must not be centered as original reality. 

Centering or using with the idea of something, someone or individual is wrong. The truth of created truths is also to be used-only and just to be reminded-only. 

We are traditionally doing good deeds with our normal understanding. Our intelligence is not perfect that is why all our understandings are not perfect. All actions of doing good deeds must be controlled by the middle way of remembering the truth of the created truths. 

Try to abandon the mental centering on the created truth by remembering the truth of “using-only, experiencing-only, doing-only and knowing-only.” Try to be Using-only, Experiencing-only, Knowing-only by remembering the truth of “Abandoning the mental centering”. 

Using-only the way is right but mental grasping on it is wrong.  

Understanding the truth of “use-only; experience-only” intends to enable the abandoning the habit of mental centering and grasping on our intelligence or whatever we know. 

Our mind and intelligence are to be used-only and be experienced-only but not to be centered as real importance. By reminding the truth of the created truths, try to use the created truths in a right way. The traditional habit of mind is the centering and grasping as reality. Continuous remembering the truth of use-only, experience-only, do-only and know-only intend to abandon the mental centering related on action. 

Abandon the centering; Center the abandoning. 

Try to love and remember constantly the truth of created truths “To experience-only and Not to center as reality.” 

Try to abandon the mental centering on the created truths. 

Attempt to abandon the mental centering by remembering the truth of “use-only, experience-only”, is also to be done-only, used only but not to be grasped. Try also to detach on the attempt for abandoning the centering. That means to abandon the centering on enabling the abandonment or not.

The more abandoning the mental centering on any action, the more ability of “using-only and experiencing-only. Attachment arises because of the mental centering. 

The less the mental centering, the less attachment, then the power of using-only arises. The less attaching, the more power of abandoning, sacrificing, enduring, and courage to any loss. The more power of abandoning, sacrificing, enduring, and courage to any loss. the more detachment. In this way, all our actions will be free from wrong understanding and right understanding which knows the original truth will appear. 

Our mind, body and our life, all are to use-only and not to attached, centered and taken as reality or real importance. We are traditionally using our life with wrong understanding. 

Following the way is correcting the traditional mistake of mental centering on created truths. Only right understanding can control all our actions in the right way, then all our action and knowing will be doing-only and knowing-only without likes and dislikes. Whatever happens, good or bad, are to be experienced-only but not to be centered and grasped. 

Rejecting and attaching to the created truth is wrong. Reminding the truth of created truths will enable us not to reject nor attach to the created truths.

We are traditionally using the created truth without the right understanding. That mean we are using the created truth in the wrong way; that’s why there is no ending. In whatever we do, whatever we know and even in practicing meditation, there is mental grasping and centering to this method or that method. 

Helping people, keeping precepts and practicing meditation is necessary, but in all these actions of good deeds, not forgetting the truth of the created truths is most important. Constant awareness of the truth, “TO USE-ONLY but NOT TO CENTER” is necessary in order to make the attachment to the created truth less and less. 

Understanding or not is also not important. To be free from the attachment to the situation of understanding or not is important. If there is attachment in the understanding or not, we are not using the understanding and not-understanding in the right way.

Triple Abandoning
1)        Abandon the centering related on any action.
2)        Abandon the centering on abandoning and not-abandoning.
3)        Abandon the centering on understanding and not-understanding. 

------Teaching is over-------- 

by Soe Win Htut
3rd October 2012