Welcome to Thabarwa

Welcome to Thabarwa Centre.
Thabarwa Centre is established with unlimited access for general benefit and is fulfilling the most crucial needs continually, persistently, dedicatedly, one by one ... the great needs of society, limitless wisdom and power sharing are being supplied one after another ...
Thabarwa Centre opens 24 hours a day, seven days a week without recess...
It is the sanctuary which is fulfilling the requirements of the multitude and the world (loka) round-the-clock without attachment and craving...
It is the sanctuary for more than 1,400 yogis (as at October 2012) including aged persons, the sick, the infirm, the blind, the deaf, the disabled, psychiatric and mental cases, the homeless and helpless.

If you wish to come to our centre to practice vipassana insight meditation or do volunteering or donate cash and materials, kindly contact Thabarwa Sayadaw U Ottamasara at mobile number 95-95085212.
Enjoy your stay and hope to see you again.

15 January 2012

Right View and Wrong View - Part 4

Right View and Wrong View - Part 4

Impermanent Nature of  Something and Someone
We must not accept Impermanent Nature of everything and everyone as reality.  The nature of everything and everyone that we understand is just to be used only, not to be taken it as reality.  That's why impermanent nature of something and everything is just to be used only, but must not think it as reality.

Original Truth is forever and permanent. Created Truths are not forever.  We can understand easily nothing is permanent or everything is impermanent.  But everything and something are just Created Truths, and thus our understanding of impermanent nature is also just created truth.

All of us and our perceptions are just Created Truths.  Whatever actions and feeling, good or bad, life or death, are just Created Truths and so they all are just to be used, just to be experienced and just to be known only.

In using created mind, body, time and place it is necessary not to forget Original Truth- Impermanent Nature and its illusive power to think unreality as reality and its right understanding about the original truth and created truths.

To understand about Original Truth in the right way is important.

We all generally know that "Nothing is permanent.
Everything is impermanent."
We all think that kind of knowing is right.
But this kind of knowing of impermanent nature is
not for real meditation or only middle way.
Impermanence of everything and everyone
is concerned only with Created Truths

In fact, our knowing about impermanence of everything and everyone is concerned only with Created Truths but not concerned with Original Truth or Ultimate Truth.  If our understanding is wrong about Original Truth, we will think Created Truths as Original Truth.

We can use time, place, mind and body but we must not forget Original Truth- Impermanent Nature and its powers.

We can do anything using our mind and body but we must not forget the original illusive action of Impermanent Nature to think Created truths as reality.

You can know whatever saying by yourself and by others but must not forget the original knowing of real Impermanent Nature.

In this way, we will be able to use our life,
action and knowing in the right way
without misunderstanding of thinking them as reality.

Compared with Original Truth, Created Truth is not true anymore.  Because of not comparing with Original Truth, all Created Truths seem to be real.

To attain the real happiness or freedom or permanent nature, it is necessary not to forget the powers of Original Truth, Impermanent Nature, Original Illusive Action and Original Knowing of Impermanent Nature.

Our present knowing about Original Truth is created knowing only.  We have to make a practice of having right understanding as mentioned above.  More and more created knowing is the cause of appearing original knowing.

To be continued